
High priority injuries can be seen immediately as failure to provide prompt therapy may result in secondary complications. Acute surgeries listed below usually require an appointment within 1-3 days unless specified by Specialist, Surgeon or Therapist:

  • Fractures requiring surgical fixation
  • Tendon repairs
  • Amputation
  • Degloving injury
  • Scar excisions
  • Nerve repairs
  • Burns
  • Nerve palsy
  • Multiple trauma
  • Dupuytrens release
  • Specific splinting requirements

Other hand injuried listed below which impact on everyday activities will receive an appointment based on priority:

  • Non operative carpel tunnel
  • Arthritis
  • Joint contractures
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Chronic soft tissue injury
  • Scar adhesions
  • Tendonitis
  • Conservatively managed fractures

All patients are asked to bring copies of their scans, reports and medical information with them to their initial hand therapy appointment.

Mildura Private Hospital





Patients admitted to the Mildura Private Hospital with hand injuries can be referred to Lime Therapy post injury or operation. Lime Therapy attends the Mildura Private Hospital from Monday-Friday. We are able to see inpatients post operatively and staff are able to arrange appointments prior to patient discharge.

If you are admitted to the Mildura Private Hospital and would like to see Lime Therapy post-operatively please ask your treating surgeon or staff at Mildura Private Hospital and we can arrange your appointment for you. If you’re not sure if you require therapy post your surgery, please refer to the What Can Hand Therapy Do For You Post Surgery? section.

Treating Carpometacarpal Arthritis

A painful thumb can truly limit the ability to perform activities and in fact limit hand function by 45%

CMC arthritis is a common condition seen by our therapists in the clinic. It can be characterised by pain and aching around the base of the thumb which may radiate down the thumb or up the forearm, tenderness over the CMC joint and stiffness in the thumb in the morning or after inactivity. Pain and aggravation is usually most intense during tip pinch, palmar pinch, lateral pinch and prolonged grasp.
We constantly encounter high forces through this joint on a daily basis so our therapy includes education on joint protection. Joint protection involves analysing tasks that clients complete on a daily basis to modify and adapt how they complete these activities to reduce excessive loading on joints. This education includes; avoiding pain during activities, distributing load over several joints by using stronger, larger joints, using joints in their most stable and functional positions, reduce effort, maintain ROM, balance activity and rest, avoid twisting forces and avoid staying in one position for long periods/static grips. Therapists use the below treatment hierarchy when discussing options for intervention with clients in the clinic.

We constantly encounter high forces through this joint on a daily basis so our therapy includes education on joint protection. Joint protection involves analysing tasks that clients complete on a daily basis to modify and adapt how they complete these activities to reduce excessive loading on joints. This education includes; avoiding pain during activities, distributing load over several joints by using stronger, larger joints, using joints in their most stable and functional positions, reduce effort, maintain ROM, balance activity and rest, avoid twisting forces and avoid staying in one position for long periods/static grips. Therapists use the below treatment hierarchy when discussing options for intervention with clients in the clinic.

We discuss compensatory techniques and show examples of assistive equipment clients can use in the household/work to participate in activities that cause aggravation. A common intervention used in therapy is the provision of custom made and pre-fabricated splints. Our therapists can fabricate tailored splints to fit each individual in the clinic. Splinting aims to enhance pain-free use of the thumb and allow individuals to partake in previously aggravating activities without pain.
Clients with advanced disease who have failed conservative treatment do have multiple surgical options including ligament reconstruction, resection arthroplasty, silicone implantation, tendon interposition or total joint arthroplasty. Our therapists provide splinting, scar management and specific exercise programs post surgery to gradually improve grip strength, grasp and regain functional use of the hand. If you would like further information on what our therapists provide for conservative and post-op management of CMC arthritis please contact the clinic to discuss with one of our therapists.

We all use our hands in different ways so it is important to us that we look at each individual carefully, tailoring therapy to their individual characteristics, needs and lifestyles